Warm for many with a change on the way

Warm and settled conditions will subside later this weekend, with thunderstorms likely for some from Sunday.

Although temperatures may reach 27°C for some this weekend, the Met Office have issued two yellow thunderstorm warnings for Sunday. They cover a large part of England and Wales from 12 noon until 21:00 and parts of Northern Ireland from 11:00 until 19:00. 

High temperatures over the weekend 

Temperatures peaked at 24.6°C in London’s St James’s Park yesterday, making it the highest maximum temperature of the year so far. This is likely to be surpassed over the next couple days, with higher-than-average temperatures for many. Places in the southeast could see 26°C on Saturday and 27°C on Sunday.  

Most places will be fine and very warm on Saturday, just a chance of a few heavy showers or isolated thunderstorms over the far north of England and Scotland in the afternoon, these most likely over higher ground. 

The warm weather brings an increase in both UV and pollen levels. You can see the latest pollen forecast  and UV ratings on our app or website

Turning unsettled from Sunday 

We’ll start to see things break down from Sunday, as an area of low pressure moves into the southwest bringing heavy showers and thunderstorms. It will be a fine start for many, although some mist and low cloud may affect some coastal areas in the northeast. Cloud will then increase from the southwest, bringing with it a change in conditions.   

Deputy Chief Meteorologist Dan Harris said: “Heavy showers and thunderstorms are likely to break out on Sunday morning, most likely across southwest England and Wales, but possibly also across western Northern Ireland too. They’ll track steadily north through the afternoon whilst probably growing into larger clumps of rain before clearing Scotland overnight. 

“Some intense downpours are possible in a few places, giving up to 30mm in less than hour and perhaps 40-50mm over two to three hours. Hail, frequent lightning strikes and strong wind gusts will be additional localised hazards.” 

Asthma and thunderstorms

Thunderstorms can in some cases trigger asthma, causing asthma attacks and making symptoms like breathlessness, wheezing and coughing worse. Asthma and Lung UK have advice on how to protect yourself if you suffer from asthma:

  • keep managing your asthma well.
  • stay indoors before, during and after thunderstorms. It’s a good idea to keep your windows closed too.
  • if you have to go outside, wear a mask to protect yourself against pollen grains.
  • if you have hay fever, take hay fever medicines to help protect yourself against pollen.
  • always keep your reliever inhaler with you, so that you can use it to quickly treat asthma symptoms in an emergency.

You can read more about thunderstorm asthma and public health in this UK Health Security Agency blog article

Low pressure in charge next week 

Low pressure will be firmly in charge from the start of next week, bringing widely wet and unsettled conditions. Things will also turn cooler through Monday, with temperatures nearer average for much of next week. 

Aurora sighting likely on Friday night 

With clear spells likely for many on Friday night, there’s also an increased chance of aurora visibility for some, particularly across Scotland, Northern Ireland and parts of northern England and Wales. Given the right conditions, there is the chance it may even be visible further south. 

Met Office Space Weather Manager Krista Hammond said: “Multiple coronal mass ejections from the Sun are expected to reach Earth in the coming days bringing the potential for aurora visibility over the UK, particularly on Friday night. While short nights at this time of year will limit the visibility window, if conditions are right there’s a good chance of sightings on Friday night. Aurora visibility may persist through Saturday night, but as it stands this is likely to be less widespread than on Friday night with northern parts of the UK most likely to continue to have the best viewing potential.” 

The Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre will continue to monitor the conditions on the Sun for any further Earth-directed solar storms in the coming days, with the possibility of more solar flares and coronal mass ejections in the coming days. The enhanced activity from the Sun coincides with an expected solar maximum this year, as part of the Sun’s approximate 11-year solar cycle.  

You can find the latest forecast on our website, on YouTube by following us, on Twitter and Facebook, as well as on our mobile app which is available for iPhone from the App store and for Android from the Google Play store.