Written Statement: Update on the Health Protection System in Wales Review

In February 2023, I published an independent review of the Health Protection System in Wales, which was positive about the way we worked to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and made a number of recommendations to further strengthen the health protection system in Wales. 

I also published an implementation plan, which described our plans to address the review’s  recommendations. At the time, I committed to publishing an update on our work in 2024.  I am today publishing a summary of our progress to April 2024, which recognises the ongoing partnership work across Wales at a local, regional and national level and the action we are taking to create a more sustainable health protection system. It also highlights progress made to deliver on the National Immunisation Framework for Wales

Developing our health protection system is an ongoing process, and there is still more work to do. The update outlines the next steps we are taking to strengthen our health protection system for the future, including developing a Public Health Protection Framework for Wales.

I would like to thank our partners and stakeholders for their continued engagement and commitment, as we build on our achievements and continue to learn and implement lessons from the pandemic.