Written Statement: Update on NHS Pay award enhancement for 2022/2023 and pay award for 2023/24 Agenda for Change staff

My written statement of 24th May 2023 confirmed that the pay offer for Agenda for Change NHS staff for 2022-23 and 2023-24 had been accepted by the collective trade union side. In addition to this I confirmed that the Welsh Government would immediately begin the process for making the pay award so that workers would receive the payments as soon as practicable. Agenda for change staff cover NHS health care professionals, nurses, ambulance staff, porters, cleaners, health care support staff and many others who are not hospital doctors.  Separate talks are ongoing with the British Medical Association (BMA) regarding Consultants, Junior and SAS Doctors and an update on this will be provided when available.

Despite the majority collective position of Agenda for Change health unions, two unions – the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Society of Radiographers (SoR) – remained in dispute regarding the 2022-23 pay award.  While maintaining the collective agreement, my officials continued discussions with RCN and SoR in order to seek to address legitimate specific concerns and to avoid any further industrial action.

I am pleased that, in partnership, we have been able to further develop and clarify some of the non-pay elements of the award which are of most concern to the professions represented by the two unions. RCN and SoR will now consult their respective members with a view to establishing whether this is sufficient to resolve their dispute. The Welsh Government remains fully committed to working in tripartite social partnership, through our Welsh Partnership Forum, to deliver better working lives for NHS staff and better public services for our people.

This statement is being issued during recess in order to keep members informed. Should members wish me to make a further statement or to answer questions on this when the Senedd returns I would be happy to do so.