Written Statement: Update on Healthy Working Wales

Healthy Working Wales (HWW) is a national programme which supports employers to create healthier working environments and workplaces for the benefit of their employees and the wider community. We recognise and support the important work that Healthy Working Wales has provided to the working population of Wales for over 15 years. In order to ensure the sustainability of Healthy Working Wales the programme will be moving towards a more digitally led, flexible offering from June 2023.

Good health and wellbeing policies are fundamental to fair work, and they benefit individuals and our communities. Moreover, evidence shows that there are several key business benefits, such as increased productivity and better recruitment and retention outcomes. In other words, a healthy workforce is fundamental to our individual and collective well-being as an economy and society. Work plays a significant role in the overall health and wellbeing of our population.

Employer engagement with Healthy Working Wales ensures that those benefits are realised to improve organisations in Wales and provides a framework to encourage and support workers improved mental and physical health and wellbeing. We want the programme to be flexible and in particular to support our small and medium sized businesses by being relevant and suited to their needs and to do so in a more targeted way. Of course, we also want to continue to support the many organisations which the programme already currently supports.

Healthy Working Wales will focus resources on a virtual offer, delivering new online functionality that will help employers to measure and improve their employee health and wellbeing strategies. Our online offer will include webinars, e-learning and targeted support and guidance for employers to action within their key priority areas.  Healthy Working Wales will work in close partnership with Business Wales to increase the promotion of their business support services and maximise reach, as well as align with the delivery of our In-work support programme to provide occupational health support.

The changes announced today will improve Health Working Wales services to employers of all sizes and from all sectors, strengthening support for the health and wellbeing of working people, and ensure the Welsh workforce is equipped to respond to the new demands of an ever-changing world of work. The Welsh Government will be working with Public Health Wales to contact existing award holders and provide clear information and advice about the support which they will continue to receive.