Written Statement: Together for Retail: A Wales Retail Forum Action Plan

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Retail Action Plan, “Together for Retail”, setting out actions against retail priorities. These actions are shared by all social partners in the Retail Forum and is a clear demonstration of the value of social partnership working.  We are grateful for the engagement and support of the Forum members and the commitment of all our partners to work collaboratively to deliver this Plan. 

The Action Plan builds upon the Retail Forum’s Shared Strategic Vision for the Retail Sector, which was launched in 2022 and the insightful ‘Raising the Bar’ report produced by the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee. It sets out a range of coherent, realistic and stretching actions under each of the three core pillars identified by the Retail Forum as priority areas, namely – people, place, and resilience. 

It builds on our ambitions within our Economic Mission to have a fairer and greener Wales, with a more secure retail sector with strong ties to our town centres. The retail sector is one of the largest private sector employers in Wales, with a reach into communities right across the country. The sector has a vital contribution to make to our town and city centres, rural communities and our wider well-being. This was evidenced during the pandemic when retailers provided vital services during difficult times.

This Government wants a sustainable and resilient retail sector in Wales that offers fair, secure and rewarding work.  The publication of our Retail Action Plan and the social partnership approach on which it is grounded, is an important step in helping achieve those shared ambitions.