Written Statement: Rebalancing Care and Support Programme – Summary of Consultation Responses Report

Ahead of my oral statement tomorrow, I am today announcing the publication of the Rebalancing Care and Support Programme Summary of Consultation Responses Report.  Members will recall I provided a written statement on 22nd May 2023 announcing the launch of the consultation. 

The consultation consisted of:

  • Proposals for a National Framework for Commissioned Care and Support
  • Proposed functions for a National Office for Care and Support
  • Proposals on a draft Pay and Progression Framework for the social care workforce developed by the Social Care Fair Work Forum.
  • Proposed changes to the Part 2 Code of Practice and Part 9 Statutory Guidance relating to how local authorities meet their duties under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014,
  • Strengthening Regional Partnership Board arrangements to support stronger working between local authorities and the NHS.
  • Proposed changes to the Part 8 Code of Practice on the role of the local authority Director of Social Services and the related Local Authority Social Services Annual Report Regulations.

A total of 96 consultation responses were received to the consultation from across a range of sectors and this report provides a summary of the responses along with our response.  This Rebalancing Care and support programme of work is one part of our broader work to strengthen social care.  The establishment of a National Office for Social Care and a strategic National Framework for Commissioned Care and Support are important steps along the pathway towards our eventual aim of creating a National Care and Support Service for Wales, free at the point of need.  This is a key commitment in the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

Last year the Plaid Cymru Designated Member and I received the final report of an Expert Group set up to produce recommendations about practical steps towards creating a National Care Service.  Over the coming weeks we intend to publish an initial Implementation plan.