Written Statement: Publication of the summary of responses to the net zero sector skills consultation

Between 11 October 2023 and 31 December 2023, we held a consultation on the skills needed to support the transition to net zero for each emission sector in Wales.

The consultation was a key commitment in our Net Zero Skills Action Plan, to capture the more granular detail required on eight high level emission sectors:

  • Electricity and Heat Generation  
  • Residential Buildings 
  • Transport
  • Public Sector 
  • Industry and Business 
  • Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
  • Agriculture 
  • Waste Management (including Circular Economy) 

Today I’d like to draw Members’ attention to the publication of a document summarising the responses to the consultation.  

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the 107 individuals and organisations who responded to the consultation and who gave their time to do so, as well as those who have supported the ongoing work in this area.

The breadth of feedback received from the consultation responses has provided a rich source of evidence that both reinforces our current intelligence around net zero skills and provides a wide range of workable solutions and longer-term goals that will support the policy shift required to enable skills to be the key enabler for achieving net zero. 

I plan to make a further statement on next steps including the progress in developing Sector Skills Roadmaps in due course.