Written Statement: Publication of the Summary of responses to the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research consultation on the lists of trade unions and learner representation bodies for the purposes of appointing associate members

In June I published the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research –consultation on the lists of trade unions and learner representation bodies for the purposes of appointing associate members.

I have now published the summary of responses to the consultation. Respondents were largely content with the lists of trade unions and learner representation bodies. As few of the unions span multiple areas within the sector, comments were generally related to individual sector however several respondents felt the Commission should ensure cross-sector representation and proposed additional associate member representation in all three categories.

I would like to thank everyone who responded. The responses have been carefully considered, and they have informed the revised list of Trade Unions and recognised bodies.  The lists have been revised in several ways following the responses received, and I am satisfied that as a result they provide a strong and comprehensive pool of Trade Unions and learner representative bodies from which to invite nominations for associate board membership of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research.  These members will have a crucial role to play in advising the board and I shall shortly be inviting those organisations on the lists to nominate individuals to be considered for associate membership of the Commission’s board.

As set out in Schedule 1 to The Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022, the nomination of candidates as associate members will be followed by a Ministerial appointments process, with a view to the associate members being appointed once the Commission becomes operational in April 2024.

I acknowledge that the diversity of this sector’s workforce and its learners means that consultation with, and collaboration across, its component parts will remain vital in achieving the aims we all share. As the Commission continues to develop and grow in its role, I will be expecting it to work closely with representative organisations to devise ways of working to ensure that happens.

In addition to establishing the associate members on the Board, the Commission will seek to engage and incorporate the views and voices of learners as a central part of its work. I expect that it will be a priority for the Commission to develop effective mechanisms to solicit those views and the suggestions put forward during the consultation will be shared with the Commission for their consideration as part of that process.

I will keep Senedd Members informed of progress once nominations have been received in due course.