Written Statement: Publication of Emissions Data for 2022

This statement updates the Senedd on the latest greenhouse gas emissions data for Wales and the publication of the Just Transition Framework Consultation Analysis.   

The territorial emissions data released this week by the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (Reports – NAEI, UK (beis.gov.uk) (external link) shows in 2022, it was estimated that greenhouse gas emissions totalled 35.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, a fall of 36% compared to base year[1] emissions and an fall of 0.1% compared to 2021. This data reflects updates to the methodology used to calculate emissions.

This data provides evidence of performance against Wales’ second carbon budget (2021-25). The second carbon budget is set at an average reduction in emissions of 37% over the five year period, with an ambition to exceed this target. 

In December 2023 the Welsh Government delivered on the first policy within the plan to deliver Carbon Budget 2, Net Zero Wales: Carbon Budget 2 (2021-2025) and consulted on a Just Transition Framework and Toolkit for stakeholders, which sets out our proposed approach to supporting a Just Transition in Wales. The consultation was open from 4 December 2023 to 11 March 2024 and focused on eight key areas: integration, vision, guiding principles, evidence base, mobilising stakeholders and engagement, toolkit, planning and effects on the Welsh language. 

I would like to update the Senedd that the analysis of the consultation has now been published. I expect to publish a Government Response later this year.

[1] Base years for UK greenhouse gas emissions are: 1990 for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide; 1995 for the fluorinated gases.