Written Statement: Proposals to amend the Education Workforce Council investigating committee and fitness to practise committee membership

As the independent regulator for the education workforce, the Education Workforce Council (EWC) is required to maintain and improve standards of professional conduct in the workforce. 

Fitness to practise is the process used by statutory professional regulators to deal with cases referred to them. The EWC is responsible for this regulatory work in relation to the education workforce in Wales. 

Further to new legislation that came into force in May which requires more individuals to register with the EWC, I am today launching a consultation to seek views on amending the requirements relating to the EWC’s investigating and fitness to practise committees.

The proposals are intended to future-proof the regulatory function of the EWC, thereby maintaining the public’s confidence in the conduct and competence of the education workforce in Wales.

The consultation starts today, 11 September 2023, and will be available for comment until 1 December 2023.