Written Statement: National Care Service – Initial Implementation Plan Publication

On 10 November 2022 I informed Members that the Expert Group which Plaid Cymru Designated Member, myself and the Health Minister Eluned Morgan had established to produce a report and recommendations about steps towards creating a National Care Service had submitted their report which is available here: Establishing a national care and support service.

I would once again like to express our thanks to the joint co-chairs and all the members of the Expert Group for their input and contribution to this crucial and challenging work.

The Expert Group produced a thorough and detailed report with far-ranging recommendations about how a National Care Service could be developed. Following careful consideration of the recommendations, particularly in the context of the very difficult financial position facing Welsh Government and the social care sector at present, a three-staged Initial Implementation Plan has been agreed as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.    

This three-staged Implementation plan spans a 10 year period and Stage 1 incorporates a number of activities which are being delivered within the current Programme for Government, the most notable is the Rebalancing Care and Support programme.

In response to the report’s many recommendations we have carefully considered these in the context of a phased delivery period. A three-staged approach is proposed, with some of the work within the initial Stage 1 already having commenced in 2022.  Stage 1 delivery will be over the current 2-3 years (2022 – 25); Stage 2 delivery will be in 4-6 years (2026 – 2028) and Stage 3 will be delivered post 6 years (2029 onwards).

The social care sector is pivotal in supporting so many vulnerable people across Wales and we in government are committed to working in partnership with the care sector in promoting the services that matter to individuals, families, groups and communities.  The National Office for Care and Support will take the lead in ensuring that this Initial Implementation Plan is delivered and that the voices of people and those working in the sector will be central to our developments.  I hope you will all be committed to working with us on this ambitious vision of creating a National Care Service for Wales. 

I am now pleased to say that the Initial Implementation plan is viewable here:

Towards a National Care and Support Service: initial implementation plan

I will make further statements on delivery against the Implementation plan in due course.