Written Statement: General Medical Services (GMS) Contract Reform for 2023-24

I am pleased to confirm that we concluded negotiations for the 2023-24 General Medical Services (GMS) contract. 

As members will be aware, my officials, NHS Wales and GPC Wales have been engaged in negotiations on arrangements for the GMS contract 2023-24 since September. These have been undertaken against a very challenging financial and operational backdrop. 

I have heard the strength of feeling from GPs about the future of general practice, through the Save Our Surgeries campaign and reinforced by the Senedd petition. GPC Wales has clearly outlined the challenges faced in our recent discussions. I recognise the issues highlighted will not be resolved through a single year of investment alone. It is crucial that we work together, with NHS Wales and GPC Wales to find solutions. 

Staff from across the sector continue to work tirelessly in the face of ongoing demand to meet the needs of their patients. I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge my appreciation for the efforts of all staff working in general practice and their ongoing commitment to providing high-quality care. I am pleased that our investment into GMS includes a 5% pay uplift for those staff. 

I welcome the pragmatic conclusion which will see £20m invested into GMS at a time of significant financial constraint, while recognising that the outcome this year does not fully resolve ongoing sustainability issues in general practice. We will continue to work together to take forward shared priorities over the coming year.