Written Statement: Covid-19 Public Inquiry – publication of Module 1 Report

I welcome today’s publication of the first report from the Covid-19 Public Inquiry, which examines the UK’s state of preparedness for the pandemic.

The publication is an important moment for Welsh families bereaved by Covid-19, and for the frontline staff who worked so hard during the pandemic to keep us all safe.

Five witnesses from the Welsh Government, gave oral evidence over a number of days last year. We also submitted thousands of documents to the Inquiry for this Module.

The report highlights many recommendations relevant to Welsh Government and our partners. We will now study the report in detail and respond fully to the Inquiry on each of these.

We welcome the Report’s recommendations and look forward to working together in equal partnership with the UK and other Devolved Governments in responding to them. We have always been committed to open and constructive work with the other governments of the UK and look forward to building on this in response to the report. 

We thank Baroness Hallett and her team for their work and for today’s report. The Welsh Government continues to engage positively with all the remaining inquiry work being undertaken, including document disclosure, statements, and oral evidence as required.

The Senedd COVID-19 Inquiry Special Purpose Committee will now scrutinise the report and propose to the Senedd by motion any gaps identified in the Inquiry’s report into preparedness and response that it believes should be subject to further examination. This is a parliamentary function for the Senedd to consider.