Written Statement: Commission for Tertiary Education and Research – Update

The Commission for Tertiary Education and Research was established in September 2023 following the appointment of the Board and Simon Pirotte as Chief Executive.

In April 2024, the Commission will commence work on the development of its first strategic plan and start preparations for the introduction of a new tertiary education regulatory system. The Commission will also move into their new headquarters in Capital Quarter; kickstart recruitment activity; and assume responsibility for their financial and operating systems. Associate Members, drawn from trade unions and learner representation bodies, will also be invited to join the Commission’s Board in April 2024 following the nomination of candidates and a Ministerial appointments process. 

This essential preparatory work is designed to support a smooth transition towards the Commission becoming operational, ensuring there is no discernible disruption to either learners or providers. This work will continue alongside a phased approach to legislative implementation with the transfer of powers to the Commission now taking place on 1 August 2024. The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales will continue to exercise its full regulatory and funding functions until it is dissolved at this time. 

Officials will continue to work closely with the Commission in the months ahead to support a smooth transition for learners, providers and staff as we deliver our innovative and ambitious vision for Wales’s tertiary education and research sector.