Written Statement: Additional funding to the Bus Transition Fund in 2023/24

I am pleased to confirm the Welsh Government will provide some limited additional funding to the Bus Transition Fund in the 2023/24 financial year.

The funding, of up to £6.8m, has been made available to bolster the Bus Transition Fund in South East Wales. It will only be used to support the current network should it be required following reconciliation exercises.

The Bus Transition Fund was established in July of this year to help transition the industry away from the bus emergency scheme funding they have relied on over recent years. It tops up bus operators revenue from ticket sales. It ensure that vital bus services continue to run.  By the end of this financial year the bus industry will have received over £200m in Government support to help them manage the impact of the covid pandemic, rising costs and lower passenger numbers.

We have always been clear that the Bus Transition Fund will require in year management and this is another example of the Welsh Government’s support to the bus industry.

We continue to meet regularly with local authorities and bus operators to monitor the fund’s expenditure.

It is crucial that we all play our part in supporting the industry – it binds our communities together, provides equality of access, and is relied upon by those who have no other choice.