Written Statement: A Community Plan for Caerau and Ely – Update

On 26 May, following the tragic death of Harvey Evans and Kyrees Sullivan and the disorder in Ely, I issued a statement setting out our intention to work with local residents and other partners to develop a community plan for Caerau and Ely.

We have been continuing discussions about how to ensure the community plan is grassroots-led. I can now confirm that Action for Caerau and Ely (ACE) – a local organisation with a long record of supporting these communities – will undertake a lead coordinating role, working closely with local organisations through a local steering group and engaging widely with residents of all ages.  This approach will ensure that the community plan is deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of the people of Caerau and Ely.

We are in the process of establishing a Community Reference Group, with members from key public services and community representatives, which will support the work of the local steering group. The Community Reference Group will be chaired by me, with the Leader of Cardiff Council, Cllr Huw Thomas, as Vice Chair. We intend to hold the first meeting of this group in early July, with the timing of future meetings informed by the work of the local steering group. I will also be attending the next meeting of the Cardiff and Vale Public Services Board in late June.

The details of the community plan will emerge from the work of the local steering group, but it is already clear that there will need to be a strong focus on supporting children and young people. As part of our early response, therefore, there will be a programme of activities to support and engage children, young people, and families over the next few months, while the community plan is being developed.

Tripartite funding has been agreed between the Welsh Government, Cardiff Council and the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner to provide initial support for the community and to enable the development of the community plan.

In developing this targeted and robust response to the tragic events in Ely, I remain mindful of the needs of other communities. The work we do in Ely and Caerau will help inform wider programmes to engage with and support communities across Wales.