Children’s experiences of participation in private proceedings in the family courts: publication of research report

Given the launch in February 2022 of the Pathfinder Pilot in North Wales, which aims to strengthen the voice of children in proceedings, it was timely to commission a study that focused on engage with children and listen to their experience of being involved in private law proceedings.

Cafcass Cymru in conjunction with Welsh Government Knowledge and Analytical Services, successfully recruited a PhD intern through the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) PhD internship scheme. The purpose of the internship was to explore the experiences for children and young people (CYP) subject to family court proceedings in North Wales where the “Pathfinder” project is being piloted. 

The research has been published and Nigel Brown, Chief Executive of Cafcass Cymru has warmly welcomed the findings.

“The study gives us valuable insights into what it is like for children and young people to talk to Cafcass Cymru as part of the private law court proceedings. It is very positive that the children welcomed the opportunity to participate when decisions were being made about them, with most feeling well supported and well listened by their Cafcass Cymru worker. Cafcass Cymru is committed to being a learning organisation and welcomes feedback in the study which will help it further improve the service we provide”.