Urgent appeal to locate wanted man following attempted knife point robberies – West London

Do you know where Muridi Bahdon is?

Detectives investigating two recent attempted knife point robberies in West London are urgently appealing for information on his whereabouts.

On  1 July the victim was queuing at a shop in Earls Court station at around 6.15pm when he was approached by a man who demanded he give him his watch. The man then produced a large knife from his waistband and lunged towards the victim in an attempt to stab him in the stomach. The victim thankfully managed to seek refuge behind the shop counter and the man left the area.

On 4 July the victim was on board a District Line train at around 1.40pm, when he was approached by a man who began staring at his watch. The victim left the train at Sloane Square and was followed onto the platform by the man who produced a large knife and demanded his watch. As the victim tried to get away the man attacked him with the knife. He sustained lacerations to the back of his head, shoulders and legs, and was taken to hospital by ambulance. Thankfully these are not believed to be life-threatening.

Detectives have conducted a number of enquiries into the two incidents and believe Muridi Bahdon, 23, pictured in the attached CCTV images, may have useful information which could assist their investigation.

The public are asked not to approach him but to contact police as soon as possible with any information regarding his whereabouts.

Detective Constable Steve Faulkner said: “These are two incredibly concerning incidents which have involved brazen and determined levels of violence in broad daylight at busy Underground stations in West London.

“We are treating the two incidents as linked and urgently trying to trace Muridi Bahdon, from the Shepherds Bush area, who we believe may be able to help us with our investigation.

“If you have any information on his whereabouts, please text 61016 or call 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 295 of 04/07/23. If you see him on the transport network or out in public, please do not approach him but call 999 quoting the same reference number.

“In both cases we know the victims have been targeted for their watches so I would urge passengers to be vigilant when travelling and try to keep any valuables out of sight where possible.”  

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