Serial sex offender sought by detectives – London

Do you know where Kolawole Oladetoun is?

Detectives are releasing this picture of him today (28 July) after he failed to appear at Harrow Crown Court this week.

In his absence he was found guilty yesterday (27 July) of six sexual offences and a warrant has now been issued for his arrest.

The offences included:

  • On 18 October 2020 at around 9.30pm, he exposed himself and began masturbating in front of a woman who was travelling on a train through Kentish Town.
  • On 14 April 2021 at around 9.45pm, he sat opposite a woman travelling in an empty carriage on the Victoria Line and began masturbating.
  • On 15 May 2021 at around 8pm, he exposed himself and masturbated in front of a woman on a train from Clapham Junction to Kew Gardens.
  • On 29 May 2021 at around 7.30pm, he deliberately sat in front of a woman on a train to Tonbridge and exposed himself and began masturbating. She moved seats and he continued staring at her while masturbating.
  • On 1 July 2021 at around 5.25pm he sat opposite a woman on a train from Hampton Court, exposed himself and began masturbating while staring at her.
  • On 7 August 2021 at around 12.10am he approached a woman on the stairs of Hounslow Underground station and sexually assaulted her before boarding an Eastbound Piccadilly Line train. The victim reported this to BTP who intercepted the train at Hammersmith less than half an hour later and intercepted and arrested him.

Detective Sergeant Brittany Armstrong said: “Oladetoun is a clear danger to women and girls and we are urgently trying to locate him as soon as possible so he can be returned to court for sentencing.

“We know that as well as across London, he has links to Stafford and Lincolnshire and is known to stay in temporary accommodation including hostels and Airbnb properties.

“We also believe he could have shorter hair than in the picture we are releasing today.  

“I would urge anyone with any information as to his whereabouts to get in touch with us as soon as possible by texting 61016 quoting reference 284 of 28/07/23. If you see him, please do not approach him but call 999 quoting the same reference number. Alternatively, you can call 0800 555 111.”
