Man jailed for making threats to kill and carrying Stanley knife – Stockport

A 33-year-old man has been jailed for more than six months after he threatened rail staff with a Stanley knife.

Following a British Transport Police investigation, Ashley Skelly, of HMP Liverpool, pleaded guilty to criminal damage, two counts of making threats to kill and possession of a bladed article. He was jailed for 26 weeks by Manchester and Salford Magistrates on Thursday 29 June.

The court heard how, on Tuesday 20 June, Skelly approached the ticket barriers at Stockport Station and became aggressive with barrier staff when they refused him entry due to a previous incident earlier the same day.

Skelly then produced a Stanley knife and held it to the two female staff members.

The following day, Skelly returned to the station while British Transport Police were carrying out reassurance patrols and he was arrested and found to be the Stanley knife blade.

While being transported to custody, Skelly continued to be aggressive and agitated and damaged the handcuffs he had been placed in.

Investigating officer PC Brandon Fairbrother-Clarke said: “The two ticket barrier staff were understandably terrified when Skelly produced the knife. This, along with his aggressive behaviour made them genuinely afraid for their safety.

“No one should suffer abuse or threats of violence while doing their job. The fact that Skelly returned to the station the following day still carrying the knife show he was completely unrepentant for his actions.”
