CCTV image released after serious assault on member of rail staff – Harrow on the Hill

Do you recognise this man?

Detectives are urgently trying to identify him after a serious assault on a member of rail staff at Harrow on the Hill station in the early hours of this morning.

At around 12.15am today (21 May), officers received a report that a member of staff had been punched at the gateline of the station.

He was knocked unconscious and suffered a bleed on the brain and a fractured skull. He remains in hospital for further assessment to his injuries.

Officers believe the man in the image may have useful information which could help their investigation.

Detective Sergeant Mike Blakeburn said: “This was an appalling and unprovoked act of violence on a member of staff simply doing their job, and we are doing all we can to trace the person responsible.

“We know a number of people witnessed the incident at the time and I would urge them to come forward to assist our investigation. I would also ask anyone who recognises the man in the image to get in touch with us as soon as possible by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 12 of 21/05/23. Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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