8 July 2023 07:00 Man jailed for sexual offences committed more than 20 years ago A man has been jailed for multiple sexual offences, the majority of which were carried out more than 20 years ago.

A man has been jailed after admitting a string of sexual offences committed over 20 years ago.

Lawrence Guy Brew – 65 (10.10.57) of St James’ Close, New Malden was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment following a hearing at Kingston Crown Court on Wednesday, 5 July. Brew had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at the same court in January 2023 to the following offences:

– two counts of indecent assault on a male under 13;
– seven counts of indecent assault on a male under 16;
– three counts of possession of indecent images of children.

One count of paying for the sexual services of a boy [relating to a separate victim] was left to lie on file.

Brew was also issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and will be required to sign the Sex Offenders Register on his release.

An investigation was launched after a man contacted police in December 2018 to report a series of historic sexual abuse he suffered as a child. The offences were committed by Brew who knew the victim’s family.

The abuse took place over a period of years between 1998 and 2003 when the victim was a child.

Officers pieced together available evidence including speaking to people who knew Brew at the time of the offending. Brew was arrested and denied all the allegation. As part of the investigation, devices were seized from Brew and these were found to contain hundreds of indecent images of children.

Brew was charged and subsequently pleaded guilty to multiple offences at court.

Detective Constable Lisa Main who led the investigation said: “Lawrence Guy Brew is a predatory and manipulative individual who used his friendship with the victim’s family to carry out a sustained catalogue of sexual abuse.

“I would like to praise the strength shown by this man in coming forward and reliving that abuse – his courage, that of his family and others who have supported the investigation, has enabled police to put together a compelling case that left Brew with no choice but to admit his guilt. I hope that Brew’s conviction and sentencing gives them some sense of justice.

“If you have been a victim of a sexual offence and have not reported it to police then I would urge you to do so. You will be listened to and provided with specialist support from both the police and other agencies.”