4 October 2023 14:52 Arrest made as enquiries into Brixton murder continue Detectives investigating the murder of 22-year-old man in Brixton have made an arrest as enquiries into the incident continue.

A man has been arrested by detectives investigating a fatal stabbing in Lambeth yesterday.

Police were called at 16:44hrs on Tuesday, 3 October to reports of a stabbing at Coldharbour Lane, Brixton.

Officers and London Ambulance Service (LAS) attended. At the scene a 22-year-old man was found with a knife injury.

Despite the best efforts of the emergency services, he died at the scene.

Police believe they know the identity of the victim and await formal identification.

His next of kin are aware and will be supported by specially trained officers.

A post-mortem examination will be held on Thursday, 5 October.

On Tuesday evening (3 October) a 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder after attending a hospital.

Detective Inspector Kevin Martin, Specialist Crime, said: “This awful attack took place in broad daylight, in front of people simply going about their business.

“I don’t underestimate the impact such a horrific incident will have had on anyone who saw it. We have heard from a number of people but I am asking anyone who witnessed it to speak to us, in confidence, about what they saw.

“An arrest has been made and we are making significant progress, but we can never have too much information. Our work to establish a motive is ongoing. Any information, however small, may assist the investigation and allow those responsible to be held to account.

“I am also fully aware that there are a number of videos circulating following the incident, including of the crime scene. I know that these videos are causing enormous distress for the loved ones of the victim, and I would ask people to respect them by not circulating this upsetting footage.”

Superintendent Gabriel Cameron, Central South Command Unit, said: “Our thoughts are with the victim’s family, who have suffered such a terrible loss. A young man has lost his life on our streets and the sense of shock is felt across the community.

“Our colleagues in Specialist Crime are investigating, and we will do everything we can to support them. Enhanced patrols will be seen in the area, and people are encouraged to speak to those officers to share information with them.”

A number of crime scenes remain in place at this time. Officers are working to minimise disruption to motorists and thank them for their patience while their crucial work is ongoing.

Anyone who has information that can help police should call 101 or post via @MetCC ref CAD 5530/3 Oct. To remain 100% anonymous contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

+ We have dedicated teams of officers working on delivering youth engagement and diversion. These officers work in partnership with London’s schools and local authorities to help divert those most vulnerable and at risk from violence, away from a life of crime. There are a range of activities that officers are involved with, including delivering prevention and engagement workshops in schools and youth centres, working with local partners to identify those most at risk to deliver early intervention work, conducting outreach visits to young people and their families who have been identified as requiring extra support, as well as delivering sporting, mentoring and music activities.   

We work closely with the Violence Reduction Unit to identify emerging issues and provide opportunities for engagement and diversion.

Anyone that has information about violence crime, or has concerns about crime in their community, is encouraged to contact the police on 101 or speak to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111. In an emergency always dial 999.