30 August 2023 13:30 Update on arrests made by officers at the Coronation A total of 64 arrests were made during one of the largest policing and security operations the Met has ever delivered

The Metropolitan Police has referred the cases of 21 people arrested at the Coronation to the Crown Prosecution Service.

In 20 of those cases, those arrested are suspected of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance, with one arrest relating to a racially aggravated public order offence.

A total of 64 arrests were made during one of the largest policing and security operations the Met has ever delivered – 52 for protest-related offences and a further 12 for offences not related to protest.

Five people have already been charged, with one person issued a penalty notice for disorder and a second person sent to court having been arrested for being wanted on a warrant unrelated to the event.

No further action was taken in relation to 18 of those arrested.

Following a thorough review of the evidence, officers have now determined there is insufficient evidence to provide a reasonable prospect of conviction in a further 18 cases and those involved have been informed of that decision.

One individual who will face no further action in relation to their arrest for conspiracy to cause a public nuisance remains under investigation having been found in possession of CS spray.

Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist, said: “Every day officers have to make decisions based on the information they have available to them at the time. Arrests do not always lead to charges and it is important to remember that the threshold for obtaining a charge is higher than that for making an arrest where an officer need only have suspicion of an offence.

“For example, three of those whose arrest did not lead to charge were found near the Coronation route in the early hours of the day of the event in possession of glue, a banner from a known activist group, allen keys and other paraphernalia that could have been used to commit criminal damage or other disruption. I am confident the public would recognise why officers chose to make arrests in those circumstances, even though it was ultimately determined that a conviction at court would have been unlikely.

“In the hours before the Coronation, we had intelligence that indicated activists were plotting to target the procession. We had real concerns that such efforts would not only disrupt an event of enormous national significance, but that they could also compromise the security and safety of participants and the public, including posing a risk of serious injury.

“Officers were briefed on these concerns and were directed to act appropriately in light of the emerging intelligence picture, which they did.

“Their efforts were consistent with the Met’s long history both of overseeing significant public events and also policing peaceful protest across London. Every year there are thousands of planned and spontaneous protest events that take place without incident.

“We have previously expressed our regret that a number of people who were arrested and released later the same day with no further action taken against them were unable to participate in their planned protest.

“However any suggestion that protest was prohibited at the Coronation is not supported by the evidence. There was significant protest activity at points along the procession route, notably in Trafalgar Square.

“I am proud of the efforts of all those involved in policing this historic event. It is thanks to their hard work and dedication that it was able to take place safely and without disruption or disorder.”