3 August 2023 15:00 UPDATE: Wanted man located in Essex following media appeal William White, who was convicted of raping a woman in east London and sentenced in his absence, is now in custody

A man convicted of raping a woman in east London and sentenced in his absence is now in custody.

William White, 24 (09.08.98) of Paragon Road, Hackney was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Tuesday, 1 August to five-and-a-half years’ imprisonment for one count of rape and one count of sexual assault by touching.

White failed to appear at the hearing and was circulated as wanted by police.

Following a media appeal, White was located in Clacton, Essex, on Thursday, 3 August by officers from the Met’s Central East Command Predatory Offender Unit*.

He will appear at a local magistrates’ court before being taken to prison to begin his sentence.

White was found guilty on Friday, 19 May after a nine day trial, which saw the victim-survivor bravely attend court to give evidence.

White is placed on the Sex Offender Register for life and will be managed by specialist officers when he is released from prison.

Detective Constable Jamie Merrill, the investigating officer, said: “White subjected the victim to a horrifying ordeal when she was asleep and vulnerable.

“Throughout the trial he attempted to mislead the court about his actions, but the 12 men and women of the jury correctly identified his dishonesty and convicted him unanimously of rape.

“I hope that the sentence handed down will bring a small measure of peace to the victim and a sense that justice has been served.”

On 17 January 2020, the victim attended White’s address in Hackney with a friend for a social gathering. She described for the court how she had trusted White, having already known him through friends.

The victim fell asleep at the address and later woke to find White raping her. She reported the incident to police on 19 January 2020.

White was arrested by detectives two days later and an extensive investigation was carried out across London and the south-east. He was charged with the offence on 20 December 2021.

DC Merrill added: “Significant resources were brought to bear to apprehend White so that he could begin his considerable sentence, but it was a media appeal that finally gave us his location.

“I would like to thank the media and the public for working with us to place William White behind bars.”

White had also been charged with a further count of rape in relation to a second victim. He was found not guilty of that offence.

PC Rita Stepanoviene, a specialist officer who worked on the case supporting the victim-survivor, added: “I wish to thank this young lady and her close friend who came forward to provide the crucial evidence needed to convict White.

“They have both been incredibly brave, and by coming forward they have undoubtedly protected others from being targeted by this dangerous individual.

“We hope this case shows we will always take reports of this nature incredibly seriously. We would urge any others who may have been subject to these types of offences to come forward and speak to us – at the very least so that we can make sure you are supported.”

Anyone who thinks they have been a victim of a sexual offence should call police on 101 or report the offence online quoting 1171/2AUG.

Anyone who has information concerning the whereabouts of William White should call 101 or Tweet @MetCC.

To remain 100% anonymous call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

* Since November 2020, each of the Met’s Basic Command Units has included a Predatory Offender Unit. The focus of these units is to tackle the highest harm offenders who pose a safeguarding risk to either adults or children.