28 June 2023 13:40 Appeal to locate missing South Yorkshire teenager Carmelle Hepi, now believed to be in London 13-year-old Carmelle Hepi from Barnsley was reported missing to South Yorkshire Police on Saturday, 24 June.

Detectives are working to trace a teenager who was reported missing from Barnsley and is now believed to be in London.

13-year-old Carmelle Hepi from Barnsley was reported missing by her family to South Yorkshire Police just after midnight on Sunday, 24 June.

They contacted counterparts from the Met after establishing that she had gone to Barnsley Station and then on to Sheffield before travelling to London Kings Cross St Pancras, and would have arrived in London at about 18:09hrs on the Saturday.

The investigation was formally transferred to the Met on Sunday, 25 June, and enquires so far lead officers to believe that she went to Watling Street SE15 on Sunday night, where she attended a birthday party with a small gathering of teenagers at around 22:00hrs before leaving with another group of people in a car at around 23:00hrs.

In addition she is also believed to have attended addresses in Croydon, Lewisham and Purfleet in Essex.

Officers are in regular contact with Carmelle’s family in Barnsley and have spoken to the people who were at the party.

While there is no information at this time to suggest that Carmelle has come to serious harm, due to her age, vulnerabilities, and concerns around who she may be associating with, the investigation to locate her is being led by detectives from Specialist Crime.

Three males, all aged in their 20s, have been arrested on suspicion of kidnap. All remain in custody at this time.

Officers believe Carmelle may now be in the company of an older male. It is not known yet where they might be.

A social media appeal to help locate Carmelle was issued yesterday from the Met’s Lambeth and Southwark feeds. This features an image of Carmelle taken in a car, and is believed to have been taken in the Peckham area on the Sunday.

Footage has also been released from the same day showing her entering the Primark in High Street, Croydon at around 16:45hrs before leaving at around 17:05hrs. It shows her in the pink and white jacket she may be wearing now.

The senior investigating officer is Detective Chief Inspector Chris Wood, who said: “Carmelle, I want you to know that you are not in any trouble whatsoever. Our one and only focus is making sure that you are safe and well.

“Please call 999 and speak to us, or go to a police station, and we will get you back home safely. Your family are desperately worried about you and while we’re supporting them as best we can, they need to know that you’re OK and to come home. They cannot rest until you’re back with them.

DCI Wood added: “My team are working round the clock, supported by our colleagues at South Yorkshire Police and local officers. As well as the arrests made, we have spoken to multiple people, searched a number of addresses and officers are conducting extensive CCTV enquiries, along with various other leads we are pursuing.

“Members of the public can help us locate Carmelle. If you have seen Carmelle, or you know her and have information about where she is or has been, it is imperative that you contact us. It doesn’t matter if you’re a friend who has heard or seen something in passing – you won’t be in trouble. What matters is that you contact as you could have significant information to help us find a missing teenage girl.”

Please call 101 or tweet @MetCC with any information 3258/25JUN23. For immediate sightings please call 999.