27 August 2023 23:32 Update on Notting Hill Carnival policing operation The first full day of Notting Hill Carnival has passed off without major incident following a significant policing and security operation delivered by the police, other emergency services and partner organisations.

The first full day of Notting Hill Carnival has passed off without major incident following a significant policing and security operation delivered by the police, other emergency services and partner organisations.

Thousands of officers were deployed across the area throughout the day on Sunday ensuring the significant numbers of attendees were able to enjoy Carnival safely.

As of 21:30hrs on Sunday, there had been 85 arrests for the following offences:

Assault on a police officer (10)

Robbery (1)

Criminal damage (2)

Public order (6)

Possession of an offensive weapon (26)

Drugs (18)

Sexual assault (11)

GBH (1)

ABH/common assault (4)

Other (6)

A Section 60 order, providing officers with additional search powers, was introduced shortly after 18:00hrs in an effort to prevent violence and to keep Carnival-goers safe. The decision was taken following a number of arrests for possession of offensive weapons and after consultation with community representatives and partner organisations.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan, who is leading the policing operation for Notting Hill Carnival, said: “Preparations for Carnival began many months in advance and I am grateful not only to the many thousands of officers who are deployed over the weekend but to the partners and community representatives we work closely with.

“As ever we saw very large crowds who made their way from across London and beyond. The atmosphere was largely good natured and positive with the overwhelming majority of people having an enjoyable and safe experience.

“Regrettably there will always be some who use the opportunity to commit offences. Our officers will respond decisively where this takes place which is evident from the 85 arrests made thus far, a figure broadly consistent with what we would expect at this stage of a Carnival weekend.

“Carnival should be a safe environment for all and I am saddened that we have seen 11 arrests for sexual assault. Tackling violence against women and girls is a priority for the Met and it has been a focus of our event planning. We have officers out among the crowds during the event to identify offenders.

“We are once again working closely with Safer Spaces, an organisation that operates at events across the UK, to provide areas where women and girls can go to seek advice from trained professionals and where appropriate, police officers. 654 people made use of this service during the day on Sunday which demonstrates why it is such an important part of the wider event plan.

“I am also disappointed that 10 of the arrests are for assaults on officers who are working diligently to keep everyone safe. It is unacceptable that they should be the target of abuse or assaults and we will provide those affected with the necessary support.

“Our policing operation continues as we move into Bank Holiday Monday and we will once again have officers deployed across the local area throughout what we expect to be a busy day with significant numbers of people attending. I am grateful to them and to all involved in the event for their continued hard work and dedication.”