24 May 2023 06:30 Public appeal helps jail man for dog attack A man has been sentenced after a dog in his charge attacked and injured a child.

A man has been sentenced after a dog in his charge attacked and injured a child.

Siddique Ali, 43 (5.02.79) of Ackroyd Drive, E3 appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday, 12 May where he was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment for being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury to a person contrary to Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act.

He was also banned from keeping a dog for 10 years and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £187.

Ali had previously pleaded guilty at Thames Magistrates Court on Saturday, 24 December 2022.

The 11-year-old female victim had been walking along Ben Jonson Road, E1 at around 08:30hrs on Wednesday, 28 September on her way to school.

As she walked past a man with two dogs, one of the dogs lunged at her and bit her several times on the hand and arm.

Thankfully, a passing taxi driver intervened to free the child from the dog’s grip. She was taken to hospital where she stayed for several days receiving treatment.

Ali left the scene of the incident before police arrived.

Having exhausted all other lines of enquiry, on 5 December 2022, detectives released images of the man with the dogs, appealing for the public to identify him.

The man was identified and Ali was arrested at his home on 22 December 2022. He was subsequently charged with being in control of a dangerously out of control dog.

Detective Inspector Luke Hampton of the Met’s Central East Command said: “Ali had no control over the animal that attacked the child and even left the scene knowing that she had been seriously injured.

“I hope that today’s sentence brings the child and her family a measure of comfort following what has been a deeply traumatic incident.”