2 July 2023 11:34 Protesters at Pride London celebrations – arrests and charges Of the seven protesters arrested at Pride London in the Piccadilly area, five have now been charged.

Five protesters arrested on Saturday, 1 July have been charged.

The five were charged with behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress (contrary to section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986). They are:

Ben Plumpton, 68 [30.8.54] of Underbank Ave, Charlestown, Calderdale.

Zosia Lewis, 22 [21.01.01] of Melbourne Street, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Oliver Clegg, 20 [31.01.03] of Olney Street, Manchester.

Gosse Bootsma, 25 [29.12.97] of no fixed address.

Callum Goode, 23 [11.07.99] Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

They were bailed to attend Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, 4 August.

In addition, two males, aged 19 [E] and 22 [F] have been released on bail pending further enquiries.

+ The seven protesters were arrested at around 13.25hrs on Saturday, 1 July, after there was disruption to the Pride London march at Down Street, Piccadilly.