19 September 2023 15:23 Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing In March, the officer was required to provide a urine sample for a with-cause drugs test after suspicions were raised that he was using prohibited substances

An officer has been dismissed following the conclusion of a misconduct hearing.

PC Shoaib Akram, who was attached to the North East Basic Command Unit, attended a hearing on Monday, 18 September, where he was found to have breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour in relation to discreditable conduct and fitness for duty.

On Wednesday, 8 March, PC Akram was required to provide a urine sample for a with-cause drugs test after suspicions were raised that he was using prohibited substances.

The forensic examination of that sample confirmed the presence of cannabis in an amount that suggested misuse of those products and not as an indication of legitimate medicinal use, in direct contradiction of the Met’s substance misuse policy.

The chair, AC Barbara Grey, found that the officer had committed gross misconduct in relation to all allegations and PC Akram was dismissed without notice.

He will now be placed on the College of Policing barred list meaning he cannot serve as a police officer or in a number of other related roles in the future.

Chief Superintendent Simon Crick, commander for policing in Waltham Forest and Newham, said: “The behaviour of this former officer was disappointing. I am pleased that the appropriate action was taken quickly when it became evident that he was using prohibited substances.

“Our communities deserve the best of its police officers and that kind of behaviour has no place at all in the Met.”