15 May 2023 11:06 Two men jailed for drug offences in Camden Two men have been jailed after officers disrupted a drug supply line operating in Camden.

Two men have been jailed following a Met investigation which disrupted the supply of Class A drugs in Camden.

In early February 2022, officers became aware of the ‘Deano’ drugs line which was being used to arrange the sell heroin and crack cocaine in the borough.

Those involved in running the line would send bulk text messages to drugs users before travelling to the area to sell drugs.

Detectives from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command began a proactive investigation to find those responsible and this resulted in a car being stopped in Rochester Mews, NW1 on 5 April 2023.

Inside the car, two men – Onyx Guytano and Mahamud Mahamud – were found to be in possession of around £1,000, three mobile phones and weighing scales.

Further analysis of data from the phones confirmed that one of them was being used to facilitate the Deano drugs line. Detectives also recovered a Snapchat recording of Guytano boasting about the money he had made by selling drugs.

As a result of the overwhelming evidence against the men, charges were authorised and they pleaded guilty before going to trial.

Detective Constable Anthony Shine, who led the investigation, said: “Guytano and Mahamud were targeting vulnerable people in Camden which in turn caused misery to local residents as drug users turned to committing crime to fund their habit. I am pleased out investigation has resulted in them both being jailed.”

Tackling the supply of drugs isn’t something we can do alone and we need the help of communities across London.

Report information directly to police by calling 101, or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 in an emergency.

Rescue and Response | Abianda supports young people in London aged up to 25 who are involved in or affected by county lines activity.

Conviction and sentencing details:

Onyx Guytano, 23 (13.03.00), of Overton Road, SE2, and Mahamud Mahamud, 28 (24.04.95), of Zambezi Drive, N9, both pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and heroin at Harrow Crown Court on 11 May.

They were sentenced the same day – Guytano was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment and Mahamud was sentenced to three-and-a-half years’ imprisonment.