15 June 2023 06:30 ‘Incredibly committed’ Met detectives secure conviction of serial rapist None of the women knew each other, however they all reported an extremely similar set of events over the almost two year period.

A predatory man has been found guilty of raping four women in Shoreditch after detectives used DNA evidence from one scene to match him to three other similar incidents.

Clement Omoregbee, 37 (17.06.85), of Charlton Lane, Greenwich, was found guilty following a five-week trial at Wood Green Crown Court on Wednesday, 14 June.

Omoregbee attacked and raped the four women between February 2019 and December 2020. He targeted them once they were making their journeys home after visiting bars in the Shoreditch area.

None of the women knew each other, however they all reported an extremely similar set of events over the almost two year period. The victim-survivors were supported by a dedicated sexual offences investigation officer who assisted them in navigating the investigative and court process.

Detectives investigating one of the incidents were successful in obtaining DNA that matched with Omoregbee. The same DNA was then linked to two other rapes in the same area. The two victim-survivors were not initially supportive of an investigation but following this update they were re-contacted and engaged with detectives.

The Complex Investigation Team (CIT), who investigate linked series of rapes, took over the case. Following a manhunt by officers from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command, Omoregbee was arrested near his home address on 21 April 2021. He denied the rapes during his police interviews and was charged on 23 April 2021.

The Complex Investigation Team then identified a fourth victim-survivor by researching Omoregbee’s behaviour and interrogating police systems for possible further crimes. This victim-survivor had attended the Havens, a specialist centre in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted, and did not support a police investigation. Specialist detectives contacted the victim-survivor and obtained her support and permission to send off her forensic samples which returned a positive DNA hit relating to Omoregbee. Omoregbee refused to be interviewed in relation to this rape. He was further charged with a fourth count of rape in December 2021.

Detectives also carried out cell-site analysis, extensive CCTV and witness enquiries and gathered forensic evidence to build a case against Omoregbee.

Before the trial, Omoregbee pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud and theft for stealing the victim-survivors phones, jewellery and bank cards and making purchases after he’d carried out the rapes.

He will be sentenced on 29 September.

Detective Constable Steve Halfhide from the Complex Investigation Team said: “Clement Omoregbee is a vile predator who targeted lone women in the night time economy. He has no place in society and is a danger to women. Omoregbee’s violent and disturbing actions have had life-changing impacts on the women he attacked.

“The victim-survivors have been incredibly strong throughout this lengthy process. I am pleased they have today seen justice. It was important to them all to help protect women of London from any further attacks by this man.

“All of the victim-survivors suffered extreme memory loss which was not attributed to by any other factors. It was accepted by both prosecution and defence during the trial that there was a possibility it could be indicative of GHB/GBL being administered to them.

“The investigation teams’ commitment to this case has been incredible, they have all worked incredibly hard and have really been behind this case from the beginning putting in hours and hours of work and overcoming many challenges.

“I would urge anyone who has been a victim of rape or sexual assault to come forward and report what happened to police. We will support you and take you seriously.”