12 May 2023 14:40 The King’s Coronation – update Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has written to Mayor of London Sadiq Khan following the Coronation policing operation

Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has written to Mayor of London Sadiq Khan following the Coronation policing operation.

He thanks the Mayor for his support of an extraordinary operation in almost unprecedented circumstances that enabled thousands to enjoy these momentous events.

The letter answers a number of detailed questions set out by the Mayor in his oversight role relating to the handling of protests and a number of arrests.

This includes our approach to protest, co-ordination between different units of the Met, our use of new legislation and liaison with others.

Sir Mark said all officers involved “deserve our wholehearted and effusive thanks” for securing the event.

In the letter, he added: “You know I have been more challenging of our need to improve than any Commissioner for decades and will always call out our shortcomings.

“I do not see this as one of those occasions, but of course, that does not obviate the need for debrief and learning that will follow any big operation.

“No major operation is ever perfect and we will always seek to learn and improve.”

The full text of the letter from the Mayor of London and the Commissioner’s response can be found in the attached documents.