12 February 2024 17:00 Officer dismissed following misconduct hearing A misconduct hearing heard that in or around August 2019, ‘Officer A’ sent the sexual image to a female colleague

An officer has been dismissed without notice for sending an inappropriate image to a colleague.

A misconduct hearing heard that in or around August 2019, ‘Officer A’ sent the sexual image to a female colleague.

The matter was investigated by the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards and Officer A was required to face disciplinary proceedings.

The allegations were found proven on Friday, 8 December at the level of gross misconduct and that the officer had breached police standards of professional behaviour in relation to authority, respect and courtesy, equality and diversity and discreditable conduct.

Commander Nick John, from the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards, said: “The actions of this officer were entirely inappropriate. He has not upheld the high standards we expect and it is right he has been dismissed from the Metropolitan Police Service.”

The independent legally qualified chair, having heard representations from the officer and witness, decided the hearing should be held in private and the officer anonymised during the proceedings due to welfare considerations for all involved.

At the conclusion of the hearing, the chair heard further representations about whether anonymity should be lifted. The Met made representations the officer should be named.

The chair adjourned to consider carefully and has now determined the officer should retain anonymity.