1 November 2023 11:00 Latest figures on crimes relating to ULEZ cameras There have been five arrests and two charges in relation to ULEZ

From 1 April to 31 October 2023, the Met recorded 987 crimes relating to ULEZ cameras. This includes 220 reports of cameras being stolen and 767 cameras being damaged.

There have been five arrests and two charges in relation to ULEZ, they are as follows;

[A] Joseph Nicolls, 42 (28.03.81), of Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, was charged with criminal damage, malicious communications and handling stolen goods, as well as aiding or abetting the destruction of, or damage to, property valued over £5,000. He has been bailed ahead of a trial at Woolwich Crown Court on 10 June 2024;

[B] A 44-year-old man was also charged in May with criminal damage but had their case discontinued by the CPS on Friday, 9 June.

[C] A 52-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and has been bailed until Tuesday, 19 December pending further enquiries;

[D] A 45-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday, 4 October on suspicion of conspiring to commit criminal damage to ULEZ cameras and encouraging or assisting offences to be committed. He has since been bailed to return on a date in mid-December;

[E] Stephen Nunn, 39 (31.10.83) of West Wickham, Bromley, was charged on Saturday, 28 October with criminal damage. He has been released on bail and is due to appear at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on Monday, 13 November.

+ In May, an operation was launched by the Met to ensure a proportionate approach was in place to relation to ULEZ-related crimes.

Please also note that a recorded crime can include multiple offences.

The Met continues to treat criminal activity in relation to ULEZ seriously and has deployed considerable resources to our operation. Where there are possible lines of enquiry, local investigators will follow up using a range of investigative approaches including CCTV trawls, witness searches and an assessment of forensic opportunities.