UK Ambassador to the WTO and UN, Simon Manley, spoke on a number of issues, including fisheries, at the Trade Negotiations Committee on 12 December 2023.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you very much Chair.

Let me start, first of all, by offering a very warm welcome to our new Deputy Director General Johanna Hill. It is fantastic to have you here.

Let me also just take a moment to thank you DG, GC Chair and the Chairs of our various negotiating committees.

I think if we needed any confirmation of how tough all your jobs are it would be listening to today’s discussion, and to some of the discussions over previous weeks.

You deserve our support. You certainly have our support for the tough job that you’ve got over the days and weeks to come.

You said yourself, DG, that we’ve got a long way to go to ensure that MC13 is a success. We also have remarkably little time once we actually start looking at the calendar of the days and weeks ahead of us. So, this week is important.

Let me just touch briefly on some of the issues that we have to sort out over the next few weeks.

Dispute settlement – clearly an absolutely essential issue for this organisation if we are to prove our worth. Let me commend the work others have done. Our facilitator, Marco Molina, he’s doing a great job.

As our colleagues meet at COP28, let me congratulate you again DG and your colleagues, not only from the WTO but also from the ITC, UNCTAD and the ICC on the very first COP Trade Day. The Trade House is so important in defining what this organisation and our partner organisations can do to enable us to make that transition to net zero.

Let me stress the importance once again of doing what we can here on fisheries over the weeks to come to ensure that we can curb harmful subsidies to help restore global fish stocks and to help ensure that there is a sustainable future for our fishing communities. As you hinted Chair, tomorrow we bring you the instrument of ratification in the safe hands of my Minister of Development, the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP.

On agriculture, DG, you have asked us to be honest, and it is not looking good but we do have substantive proposals on the table for the first time in a long time including, I might say, one from the UK on export restrictions.

So we very much welcome an effort to intensify our discussions over the next few weeks. We agree that we should have a Head of Delegation level discussions to try and push that forward.

We offer our 101% support to the CoA-SS Chair and sorry to hear what he feels he has suffered over recent days and weeks.

On development, I think we should be proud of what we have achieved over the last few weeks. Whether than be on LDG Graduation or IFD. There is important work that we have still got to do to make sure that we have a genuinely impressive development package for MC 13. We welcome the submission of further G90 papers and the process that our distinguished CTG Chair is leading on.

At this Ministerial, which is so soon upon us, we do need to look to the future. We do need to ensure that this organisation is responding to the biggest trading challenges that we have today.

We cannot hide from those challenges; we cannot pretend that they do not exist. We share your disappointment, DG, that we are not further ahead on Services, an area of such extraordinary potential for the global economy, for both developed and developing nations.

It is also clear from our discussions from the SOM that there is appetite here in this organisation for a dedicated industrial policy forum. We think that will be a key outcome from the Ministerial and we support the efforts of the GC Chair to help us elucidate an outcome document that is going to set out what it is we are going to do post MC13.

One thing we do not have to wait for MC13 to do is to renew the E-commerce moratorium. This is something we should be doing this very week, in the General Council.

We want to welcome the ACP Group’s recent communication. We now have over 100 members of this organisation calling for an extension and we look forward to getting it done this week.

Before MC12, DG, you may recall that we said Geneva needed to become the city that never sleeps. We do need to make sure that we are back here in January with determination and the spirit of collaboration and responsible consensus so as to ensure that MC 13 builds on the success of MC 12, and show this organisation, and the global trading system, that we are back in business and backing business.

Thank you.

Published 18 December 2023