Explanation of vote by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council meeting on Yemen.

UNSC statement

Thank you, President and we thank also the US and Japan for tabling this resolution.

The United Kingdom condemns in the strongest terms the illegal and unjustified attacks in the Red Sea by Houthi militants.

Yesterday, the Houthis attempted their largest attack yet, launching at least 21 missiles and drones towards international shipping lanes. 15 percent of all global seaborne trade passes through the Red Sea.

These attacks threaten to spike the availability and prices of food and energy, which would inevitably hit the world’s poorest the hardest. Yesterday’s was the twenty-sixth such attack since the 19th of November.

This was despite this Council’s demand on the 1 December for the Houthis to stop all such attacks immediately. On 3 January, the UK joined 11 countries in a statement warning against further attacks.

So we are using all diplomatic means possible to deter these attacks and that is why we voted in favour of this resolution. 

US and UK military assets in the Red Sea successfully repelled yesterday’s attack. We will not stand by and allow the Houthis to threaten civilian vessels and hold global food and energy supplies hostage.

If necessary, and as previously stated by the UK Defence Secretary, we will not hesitate to take further action to deter threats to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.

The UK is committed to ensuring freedom of navigation and trade in the Red Sea. 

I thank you.

Published 10 January 2024