Statement by Minister Andrew Mitchell at the UN Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response High-level Meeting.

The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP

The Covid-19 pandemic was the biggest challenge of our lifetime.

The international response was punctuated with many high points of cooperation, and some low points of isolationism. We need to do better so that we are prepared for the next crisis.

That means two things.

First, we must provide help to lower and middle income countries so they’re better able to withstand health threats.

The UK is committed to doing what it can to help strengthen health systems — they are the bedrock of effective pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

To boost collaboration on research and development, including clinical trials and data sharing.

To help to improve coordination across the human, animal and environmental health sectors.

And to work with partners to ensure that safe and effective vaccines, medicines and tests are available during pandemics to all who need them, when they need them.

Today, the UK is announcing over £370 million to strengthen global health security.

This will help tackle deadly diseases in Africa, expand the UK Vaccine Network programme, and establish research and technical partnerships in Africa and the Indo-Pacific.

Second, we must improve multilateral co-operation. Central to this are the negotiations in Geneva on a new Pandemic Accord and agreeing measures to improve pandemic prevention, preparedness and response whilst respecting national sovereignty.

We must also reform the international financial institutions to release more finance to lower- and middle-income countries — an agenda the UK is championing. And it means investing in the Pandemic Fund and other funds to strengthen preparedness. As well as ensuring that when the next pandemic strikes, faster funding is available.

We face an important moment. We must reflect on the lessons learnt from Covid and work together to protect future generations from the catastrophic impacts of pandemics. They will rightly not forgive us should we fail.

Thank you.

Published 25 September 2023