Explanation of vote by Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council meeting on the Middle East.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward at the UN Security Council

Thank you President.

The United Kingdom is outraged at Hamas’ terror attacks in Israel, and supports Israel’s right to self defence, in line with international law. 

We are also working urgently to respond to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza.

We have voted no on the draft resolution put forward by the Russian delegation.

We cannot support a resolution which fails to condemn Hamas’ terror attacks.

As my Prime Minister said earlier today: Hamas actions were an existential strike at the very idea of Israel as a safe homeland for the Jewish people. It is unconscionable for this Council to ignore the largest terror attack in Israel’s history.

We remain clear, too, that all possible measures on the ground must be taken to ensure civilian casualties are minimised and to facilitate humanitarian aid.

President, the gravity of the situation requires serious Council discussion. This draft, and this process, was not a serious attempt to find Council consensus. So, we look forward to continuing consultations on the basis of the Presidency’s proposals. 

I thank you.

Published 17 October 2023