Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Delivered by UK Human Rights Ambassador, Rita French.

Rita French

Madam Special Rapporteur, we welcome your report and recognise the threats faced by exiled journalists, as well as their vital role informing audiences at home and abroad.

We are committed to the safety of all journalists, reflecting their contribution to an open, functioning democracy.  We oppose all attempts to restrict press freedom, silence debate, abuse journalists, or spread misinformation – whether online or offline.

The UK has supported journalists exiled from Myanmar with emergency grants and taken strong and effective action against Iran-backed plots to kill journalists on UK soil. We continue to raise the suppression of independent local media in Hong Kong, exemplified by the closure of Stand News and the prosecution of Jimmy Lai, and to call for the release of all those detained for their reporting in China.

In the UK, we have refreshed our National Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists and are working across Government Ministries, relevant agencies and law enforcement to protect journalists and others identified as being at risk. 

Mr Vice President,

Given the specific threats to journalists in exile, will the UN Plan of Action be updated to reflect this?

Published 26 June 2024