Harnessing multilateral efforts to embed, amplify & realise the rights of persons with disabilities, with a focus on full & effective participation & inclusion in society. Statement delivered by UK Human Rights Ambassador, Rita French.

Rita French

Thank you Mr President.

The United Kingdom is committed to providing greater voice, choice, and visibility for people with disabilities to help them achieve their full rights and freedoms. Through our international Disability Inclusion & Rights Strategy, we take a twin-track approach, with targeted support through disability-specific interventions alongside mainstreaming disability inclusion across our work.

It is imperative for multilateral institutions, alongside States, to increase their efforts in mainstreaming disability at all levels. We note in particular the transformative impact that inclusive financing and investment can have on leaving no one behind.

Beyond the vital work that Member States are taking in areas such as inclusive education and healthcare, we must also remember that services are only accessible if the built environment around them is accessible.

We must prioritise engaging with persons with disabilities and their representative organisations at every stage to ensure their voices and experience are heard as we tackle our shared global challenges.

Esteemed panellists,

How can States and multilateral institutions better incorporate disability inclusion by design as part of growth, investment, and development agendas?

Published 27 February 2024