Statement on the report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in Sudan as delivered by UK’s Ambassador to the WTO & UN in Geneva, Simon Manley.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you, Mr President,

Let me start by thanking the High Commissioner for his report, and both him and Mr Nouicer for their continued efforts to improve the human rights situation in Sudan, which are more important than ever given the current tragic conflict. You have our full and unequivocal support.

Mr President, the situation in Sudan is a catastrophe. The behaviour of the two main parties to this wholly unnecessary conflict is unacceptable, with indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas in Khartoum, targeted civilian shootings in Darfur, and the repeated violation of every single agreed ceasefire by both sides.

The UK continues to stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan and their demands for urgent humanitarian access, as well as for peace, democracy, justice and civilian government. We call on the entire international community to press the parties to the conflict to stop this senseless violence; agree and respect an immediate, unconditional ceasefire; come together to begin the hard work of rebuilding Sudan; and ensure, finally, the full respect for the human rights of all Sudanese people.

High Commissioner,

What opportunities do you and Mr Nouicer see for ensuring the various initiatives launched to address this conflict are inclusive, constructive and complementary?

Thank you.

Published 19 June 2023