Statement on the report of the High Commissioner on human rights situation in Sudan, as delivered by Simon Manley, UK Ambassador to the WTO and UN in Geneva.

Simon Manley CMG

Thank you Mr President,

This statement is on behalf of the Core Group on Sudan – Germany, Norway, the United States and the UK.

We condemn the Sudanese authorities’ move to declare SRSG Volker Perthes persona non grata. We continue to support him, and urge Sudan to cooperate fully with his mandate.

The human rights and humanitarian situation in Sudan as a result of this conflict has deteriorated even further since the recent Special Session. Every day there are new allegations of human rights violations and abuses, and violations of international humanitarian law, by both parties to the conflict, that have driven mass displacement within and out of Sudan. We are particularly horrified at reports of increasing ethnic-related violence, and sexual and gender-based violence, in parts of Darfur.

Mr President,

We stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people, and condemn this conflict and the violations and abuses it has led to. We call again for an immediate, complete and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire.

As Ministers meet today to pledge their support for the humanitarian response in Sudan and neighbouring countries, we urgently call for full, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access, protection of civilians and full respect for humanitarian principles. Sudan must return to peace, stability, and transition to civilian government through an inclusive political process. Anything less is a betrayal of the Sudanese people.

Published 19 June 2023