Explanation of vote by Ambassador to the General Assembly Richard Croker at the UN Fourth Committee.

Thank you Chair.

The United Kingdom will maintain its voting position on these three resolutions in-line with our long-standing approach to, and support of, the two-state solution, which remains the only viable long term solution. We welcome the approach of the Permanent Observer State of Palestine in the provision of technical rollovers of these texts and recognise that their language does not reflect the current context in Israel and Gaza. Our vote in favour of today’s resolution does not undermine our enduring solidarity with Israel in the wake of Hamas’ heinous terrorist attacks on 7th October.

Alongside our ongoing support for Israel’s right to self-defence against terrorism, we continue to be clear that Israel must act in line with international humanitarian law and take every feasible precaution to avoid harming civilians.

We continue to underline, in parallel to our support of today’s resolution, that Hamas does not speak or act in the interests of the Palestinian people. Hamas’ deliberate murder and kidnapping of innocent people in Israel now callously puts civilians in Gaza at risk. We express our pain at seeing so many innocent lives destroyed on and since 7th October and reiterate our support for the Palestinian Authority as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

Palestinian civilians are experiencing a devastating humanitarian crisis in Gaza and violence is rising in the West Bank. We strongly condemn settler violence against Palestinians and maintain our longstanding position that settlements are illegal under international law and contrary to the cause of peace.

To prevent further spread of the conflict, the UK will continue to invest all efforts for a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The UK will work with our partners towards a two-state solution, based on 1967 lines with Jerusalem as a shared capital, which provides justice and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Published 9 November 2023