Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on Libya.

James Kariuki

We welcome the SRSG’s efforts to convene representatives of the five major stakeholders in a preparatory meeting as a next step towards resolving the outstanding issues related to elections.

We note, however, that only three of the five invited parties – the High State Council, Government of National Unity, and Presidential Council – have so far nominated representatives, with others setting preconditions for their participation. 

The SRSG has been clear that the preparatory meeting will provide space for all parties to express their concerns. We therefore reiterate our expectation that Libya’s leaders respond to the SRSG’s invitation constructively. We call on all parties to engage in good faith without preconditions. To do otherwise prevents progress towards the elections that 2.8 million Libyans have registered for.

President, we remain concerned at the shrinking space for civil society across Libya, alongside the alarming trend of human rights violations, particularly in regard to migrants and refugees, that continue without accountability.

Civic space must be protected to allow Libyans to hold their leaders accountable and empower everyone to play a role in developing an open, democratic society with freedom of association, operation and assembly. We also regret the tragic incident of 61 migrants who drowned following the shipwreck off Libya this weekend.

As Libya begins reconstruction in response to the devastating floods in September, it remains vital that this is funded through a unified Libyan approach, with full transparency, effective oversight, and accountability. Libyan public funds must be used for the benefit of all Libyans, with the Libyan people having a voice in how public money is spent.

President, the benefits of setting Libya on the path towards a democratic, united, and stable state would be enormous. It would allow the full reintegration of Libya’s people and economy into the international community. 

We urge those invited to the preparatory meeting of the major stakeholders to fully engage in order to fulfil their responsibilities to the Libyan people. The UK will continue to support the SRSG and work across Libya’s divides to deliver for the Libyan people.

Published 18 December 2023