Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on the Sudan International Criminal Court investigation.

Ambassador James Kariuki at UN Security Council

I thank Prosecutor Karim Khan for his 37th report on the Situation in Darfur and his briefing today, and I welcome the ICC’s unwavering commitment to help deliver justice for the people of Darfur. I also recognise the participation of the Representative of Sudan at this meeting.

The UK welcomes the progress made in the trial of Mr Abd-Al-Rahman. This case is testament to the victims’ courage and patience to tell their stories after two decades.  We urge all parties to help maintain the trial’s momentum.

We regret, however, that from the October 2021 military coup until the outbreak of conflict in April 2023, there was an almost complete failure by the Sudanese authorities to cooperate with the ICC.

Furthermore, we share the Prosecutor’s concern over the impact of the current conflict on the ongoing investigations, including the apparent release from custody of ICC suspects.

We are also deeply troubled by today’s reports of continued violence and mass graves outside the capital of West Darfur.

The UK shares the Prosecutor’s assessment that the current conflict stems in part from the failure to ensure justice and accountability on the part of those who hold power in Sudan. Their disregard for international obligations and for meaningful justice for past crimes has helped sow the seeds for this latest cycle of violence and suffering.

All sides are responsible for the crimes they commit, and we remind the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces that the ICC’s mandate in Darfur is ongoing.

We welcome the Prosecutor’s decision to commence investigations into offences committed in the current conflict – including in particular ethnically-targeted killings and sexual violence.

In closing, the UK would like to reiterate our support to the Court to deliver justice for the people of Darfur.  At the same time, we underline this Council’s call for an immediate end to the current hostilities.

Published 13 July 2023