Statement by Deputy Political Coordinator Thomas Phipps at the UN Security Council meeting on Sudan.

Thank you, President, and thank you Ambassador Hwang, for your update this morning. The United Kingdon wishes you every success chairing the 1591 Sanctions Committee. 

President, we are approaching the one-year anniversary of this conflict. It has had a disastrous impact for the Sudanese people, especially in Darfur where over half the local population face acute food insecurity.

The imperative to silence the guns could not be clearer. The United Kingdom therefore repeats this Council’s call for an immediate ceasefire, including during the month of Ramadan.

We further call on the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law, including to protect civilians. 

We are extremely concerned by reports of atrocity crimes, including widespread sexual violence, as well as reports of child recruitment. It is vital that the perpetrators of atrocity crimes are held to account. 

President, UN Member States are obligated to fully comply with the arms embargo and we call on all Member States to refrain from external interference in this conflict, and instead support efforts towards a cessation of hostilities, building towards a durable peace, and civilian transitional government in Sudan.      

In closing, President, we welcome the renewal of the UN Panel of Experts and remain grateful for their reporting. Thank you.

Published 19 March 2024