Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on Iran.

UNSC statement

Thank you, President. Let me thank Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo and the wider UN Secretariat for their support in the implementation of resolution 2231. I also thank Ambassador Olof Skoog for his briefing and Ambassador Frazier for her briefing and work as facilitator.

President, since refusing the opportunity to restore the JCPoA through the deals tabled in 2022, Iran has continued to escalate its nuclear programme. Transition Day has now passed and the UK & EU have maintained proliferation-related sanctions on Iran, in accordance with the JCPoA’s Dispute Resolution Mechanism. The UK is fully committed to using all diplomatic tools to prevent Iran from delivering a nuclear weapon.

The IAEA reports that Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile is 22 times over JCPoA limits. It manufactures and operates thousands of prohibited advanced centrifuges, gaining irreversible knowledge which the JCPoA sought to prevent. Iran continues producing highly enriched uranium, for which there is no credible civilian justification, calling into question the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme.

Additionally, Iran is launching missiles that are capable of delivering nuclear weapons and is testing technologies directly applicable to medium and long-range ballistic missiles, in the form of satellite launch vehicles.

President, Iran’s missile programme remains of fundamental concern for nuclear non-proliferation.

The Secretary-General has acknowledged evidence showing that, during the period of restrictions under this resolution, Iran developed and exported missiles without seeking the Council’s authorisation. Iran supplied ballistic missiles to armed groups in Iraq, Yemen and Syria, which are targeting Red Sea shipping and Coalition personnel in the region. And as USG DiCarlo said, the UK has also provided evidence that Iran supplied UAVs to Russia. These UAVs have subsequently been used to attack civilians in Ukraine. All such transfers were in violation of resolution 2231. 

Resolution 2231’s restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missile activities may have been lifted, but the Council must continue to hold Iran to account for its proliferation activities by this or any other resolution.

Thank you.

Published 18 December 2023