Explanation of vote by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on Somalia.

Ambassador James Kariuki speaks at UN Security Council

Thank you, President, let me begin by congratulating China on their Presidency on the month of November, and in particular, welcoming you President to the Council. Wishing you all the best for your Presidency for the month of December, you have our full support. 

President, the United Kingdom is pleased to table today two resolutions which together impose strong sanctions, including an arms embargo, on Al-Shabaab and lift the legacy arms embargo on Somalia.

The UK worked closely with Somalia in preparing these two texts, and is grateful for their constructive engagement throughout. The UK is also grateful to Council Members for their cooperation throughout the negotiation process and especially to African Members of the Council, and regional stakeholders, with whom we have consulted closely throughout.

President, we recognise these texts represent compromises for many delegations, we nevertheless urge all Council Members to vote for both texts, in solidarity with Somalia and against Al-Shabaab.

Published 1 December 2023