Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on the Central African region.

Thank you President, and thank you SRSG Abarry for your briefing. I will make four points today.

First, as the Secretary-General notes in his report, the region faces continued risk of instability, highlighted by recent coups and violence. As the recent COP28 summit reminds us, this vulnerability is exacerbated by climate change. The United Kingdom encourages member states in the region to commit to inclusive, credible, and accountable political and transitional processes and to engage with UNOCA. The Council too must do its part to support UNOCA’s important stabilising efforts in the subregion, including on climate change.

Second, when SRSG Abarry briefed the Council in June, he spoke of the opportunities and challenges in the region through elections and transitions. In this regard, the UK welcomes progress made on the political transition in Chad. We urge the authorities to ensure the referendum process is peaceful, inclusive and respects fundamental rights and freedoms. We thank Chad and other states in the region for their continued support to refugees from Sudan. The UK has provided $18 million to support the humanitarian response in Eastern Chad.

Third, there is an opportunity for a turning point in Gabon. The UK encourages the transitional authorities to ensure a return to constitutional order through an inclusive and credible transition. We are reassured by the roadmap to elections in August 2025 and hope to see a genuinely inclusive National Dialogue in April 2024. We urge the transitional authorities to fulfil the democratic aspirations of all Gabonese, with UNOCA’s support and the engagement of regional partners.

Finally in Cameroon, challenges to progress remain. The UK remains deeply concerned at the ongoing violence and we continue to work with multilateral partners to mitigate the worst impacts of this on the population, including supporting human rights defenders and women peacebuilders. We encourage parties to ensure dialogue efforts are inclusive.

Thank you, President.

Published 13 December 2023